
There is a certain reference to "Asahi Bowl" in Nobeoka. Don't you think so?

An Outline of the Zokurui and Other Chapters
It is the power of the Lotus Sutra
Howard's Slide Show
What is a Boddhisattva?
Hakata Dontaku Festival 2008
Hakata Dontaku
Couple Going to Fukuoka 2008
Hakata Parade 2008
Hakata Fukuoka
Hakata Takes Flight
Hakata Donut
Nobeokers go the the parade in Fukuoka!
Goofy or Pluto in Fukuoka 2008
Softbank in Parade in Fukuoka!
Dontaku Fun 2008
Fukuoka River and Crowds of People 2008
Keiko and Howard made it to the Hakata Dontaku Parade. They are from Nobeoka.
Someone once told me that people with large earlobes have great fortune. Hummmm...
This man is always in step in Nobeoka.
There is a certain reference to "Asahi Bowl" in Nobeoka. Don't you think so?
Dont' miss the festival in Nobeoka, OK?
The Mickey Mouse Parade, Fukuoka 2008
More Performers in the Hakata Dontaku Parade 2008
He was at the head of the Hakata Dontaku Parade in Fukuoka 2008
Atagoyama Seems Small from certain angles...Nobeoka
Gallery in Nobeoka, May 2008 in an old manju bakery
Noboeka Station Area
The Mouth of Truth in Takachiho, Japan
Shamisen Hakata Dontaku 2008
Impressive Marching Band in Fukuoka Hakata Dontaku Fetival 2008
Poason Restaurant in Nobeoka
Study material for Ahner Eikaiwa March 17, 2008 at 7:30pm in Tsurugaoka, Nobeoka
Heisei Graduation March 15, 2008
Study Material for Ahner English School in Nobeoka for March 12, 2008
Study Material - Ahner Eikaiwa, Nobeoka for March 11, 2008
Study Material For Adults - March 10, 2008
Mukabaki, Nobeoka
Kitakata Nobeoka Tohmi Too
Alien in Kami Igata, Nobeoka
Miyazaki Ken Byouin, Nobeoka
Letter to the Brothers
Letter to Priest Nichiro in Prison
Letter to Shomitsu-bo
Letter to Niike
Letter to Myomitsu Shonin
Letter to Nakaoki Nyudo
Letter to Nichimyo Shonin
Letter to the Priests of Seicho-ji
New Year's Gosho
No Safety in the Threefold World
On Attaining Buddhahood
On Filial and Unfilial Conduct
On Flowers and Seeds
On Itai Doshin
On Omens



Mukabaki is a nice place to visit.
Howard Ahner, English Teacher in Nobeoka
Do some pottery in Mukabaki

Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo in Nobeoka.
I am devoted to chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
Meizeiin Temple is in Idekita, Nobeoka.

I am devoted to chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
Sensei Howard Ahner